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ArtePro Support Us

Arte Pro is a nonprofit organization and exists only through donations from private people, companies, and organizations. We utilize resources to educate children and create a professional team.

With your donation you contribute to more education and equal opportunities, social inclusion and integration of children who deserve a better chance. There many ways to make a difference.

Why is supporting Arte Pro sustainable?

Inequality can be attacked at its source. Many major economic and social problems such as crime, teenage pregnancy, dropping out of high school, and adverse health conditions are linked to low levels of skill and ability in society.

The UNESCO ushers non-formal education as a way to address these legitimate concerns, while leaving the door open to mainstream education later on. The range of non-formal initiatives for street children is vast. Methods vary from using dance, music and sports to circus and art.

Cognitive abilities are important determinants of socioeconomic success. So are socioemotional skills, physical and mental health, perseverance, attention, motivation, and self-confidence. They contribute to performance in society at large.

Personality factors are powerfully predictive of socioeconomic success and are as powerful as cognitive abilities in producing many adult outcomes. High quality early childhood interventions foster abilities. Early interventions also boost the productivity of the economy.

Early interventions promote schooling, reduce crime, foster workforce productivity, and reduce teenage pregnancy. These interventions are estimated to have high benefit-cost ratios and rates of return. Interventions early in the life cycle of disadvantaged children have much higher economic returns than later interventions such as reduced pupil-teacher ratios, public job training, convict rehabilitation programs, adult literacy programs, tuition subsidies, or expenditure on police. The returns are much higher than those found in most active labor market programs.

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2.Become a volunteer

Support us with a monthly fee, get personal updates of the development and see how your contribution change the life of children for better. To become a member, choose an option and click the subscribe button. It will take you to a PayPal website where you can make a secure payment.

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Voices from supporters

“I really believe in what Arte Pro is doing, it is not only about helping others, but changing lives. The lives of the children and lives of who gets involved.”

Regina Castañeda, Founding Member of our Circle of Friends

“Arte Pro helps children with a difficult past to hope for a better future. Through art, psychological help and a dedication that is really moving. I am so thankful for their work”

Frank Steinhofer, Writer and Author for SPIEGEL Group

ArtePro Support Us

Thank you to the people who make our work possible

Regina Castañeda

Frank Steinhofer

Carlo Alcaraz

Nora Kober

Allan Anctil